Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Final Major Project- Research

I start this research on the basis that Art is knowledge. Related words to knowledge are belief awareness and certainty.  It can refer to the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject and it originates from senses, intuition, life observation and research. It is a primary form of knowledge. Through art we can attain knowledge about the human psyche
Figures from religions
There are represented different ideas and critiques of the world

We can also attain knowledge about history which couldn’t be attained by other sources.

Example: scenes of everyday life in the prehistoric ages
By art making we discover aspects of our self we weren't aware of and therefore obtain self-knowledge. But where does art stop acting as an explanation of the cosmos and starts defining it. 
Explanation and definition though similar terms here are used to express two completely different terms. By explaining I mean that an artist will work as a reflection of life, but also in that way changing and shaping it. We live in a world where art imitates life and life imitates art.

Two terms that have changed through art are Love and Home Land.  Love has gone over so many contexts and definitions that now has gotten an almost mythical nature. Perhaps we have forgotten its original form and maybe it does not exist anymore. What is closer to what love originated from we must look at the most celebrated and hated variable in the definition of love, monogamy. In nature the concept of monogamy is very rare and it is usually seen in wolfs, giraffes,.. Experts on the subject tell us that monogamous model of relationships in nature is to make a more helping environment for survival of the young. Two parents have more chances of surviving in the harsh conditions of nature than one. Humans are by nature polygamous species. This is an example of how survival based behaviours through the ages and the development of art( visual arts, literature) now are an idea, a poetic term. The idea of cheating ,of sexual behaviour rules did not exist. Usually we saw that humans were following the model of polygyny (few men with many women) because this was a natural way of increasing the species when it was need to. But now that we have a problem of overpopulation one may have thought that polyandry would be a natural tendency of the humans because it is like a natural birth control. However we see that humans follow a set of rules that does not accept that and discourages the natural set of development. Religious literature is a major factor in that process; in western cultures we see how polyandry (one woman that has many men) is condemned where Christianity is a popular religion and of course the most famous and controversial piece of literature, the Bible. This is how human intelligence can create term and emotions that did not exist. In my theory happened in the process of explaining love relationships and then defining them. Another book worth refereeing is Shakespearean love, Romeo and Juliet. Also Jane Eyre. Idolisation of love is the process of situations ans behaviours based on survival are now social and personal ideas, terms, ethics. Culture is the art of the many, (society) in psychology is referred as normality. Personal art is the interpersonal normality. As culture and people change so does art but as art changes so do people. But this is also where the mirror analogy is more apparent. The relationship of life and art is like two mirrors reflecting each other, a recursive system that hes no starting or finishing point. It is very hard to stand between two mirrors and distinguish which reflection came first. : “What is the meaning of all will to truth?”


So as far as my project goes I want to explore romantic novels that turned into movies and therefore had a deeper and more universal influence in presenting and defining love into the human psyche. Cleopatra, Romeo and Juliet, Odussey. For this I am going to express and explore first through the art of writing. Making analogy/metaphor for how love ideals affect our minds with the phrase’’ suckling on Cleopatras bitten breast ’’  and “ But I cannot argue with you when the bite is so near the nipple, poison tastes more known than milk”. This is centered on women who fall in love with the idolised term of sensuality and love and how that leads to destructive preconceptions of love relationships.

Sculpture that I made for a previous project, the corpse of a mermaid in this technique I am going to make Cleopatras bosom as an illustration of the Cleopatra analogy.

As for the idea of Home Land, I am looking at the epic Odyssey by Homer and the poetic symbol of Ithaca. Before Homers work, Ithaca was just a place though till today historians have not agreed to the location of homers Ithaca it is greatly accepted that it is in Homers island. And later a more contemporary poet revisited Ithaca as a symbol, re-idolizing the place with more modern imagery and context. This poet Costantine P. Cavafi  with the humongous poem “Ithaca”. So to explore this idea I am analyzing this poem reffereshing and comparing it to homers Odyssey. After that two more poems after the one from Cavafi, analyzing them thematologically comparing them. Here is the analysis.

The usage of mythical elements is a technique that is often found in contemporary literature as a poet gives a template for creating symbols but also thereby achieve a dialogue between literature divisive times. This paper focuses on the concept of nostalgia of a home land in contemporary literature through three poets. Nostalgia is the desire of the individual to return, but is associated with projects such as the Odyssey and expresses a desire to achieve the highest goal in life. In the Odyssey, the main character struggles to return home and Ithaca and his wife Penelope-Yannis Ritsos with his poem The desperation of Penelope, which refers to the part of Penelope's character in Homers Odussey, with this woman who won the highest goal of passing the message that we should not do everything and we step over corpses to reach our goal. Dinos Christianopoulos debates the meaning of Ithaca by calling it instead of a personal triumph close minded and expresses nostalgia of Home Land as the desire for social acceptance and recognition. While Cavafy synthesizes one type guide on how you can reach Ithaca, which serves as a symbol of a successful life lived according to the poet becomes the nostalgia of someone more knowledgeable but to get to where he wants.

The most famous contemporary poem that drew information and inspiration from the experiences of Odysseus was the "Ithaca" by CP Cavafy. Cavafy, giving a luminosity and irony, uses the "Ithaca" as a symbol for the realization of the ultimate objective set by man. The "Ithaca"  is a poem dedicated to nostalgia but mainly with emphasizing that the going, the trip is what is important in life it is not what we achieve but rather how. Also interprets in a very special way, additional data from the myth. Like the Cyclopes who represent our internal enemies we create ourselves to ourselves.

Other important contemporary poets like Ritsos Yannis and Dinos Christianopoulos complement Cavafy and the reverse using the same theme but approaching the concept of homesickness different. Ritsos goal gives Odysseus breath and wrote a poem on the side of the woman, the wife of Odysseus, Penelope, who was married to an idol of her husband waited for years to return. While on the other Christianopoulos debases the meaning of Ithaca, calling it close minded.

1. “Ithaca by Cavafis”

This poem by Cavafy classified as false historic poems, in which taking a historic occasion as the legendary event operates selectively, the fragments and isolates the elements needed to serve his own poetic purpose. Thus becomes a dialogue between contemporary poetry and ancient heritage of literature.
Here, in response to the myth of Odysseus, his long wanderings and adventures experienced until finally found home-obsessed, Ithaca. Cavafy giving this legend a historical dimension and a universal standpoint, with pragmatic attempts to perform simple but comprehensive real meaning of life, which takes the form of a journey where true value is not the destination but the journey itself, wandering. This is done with absolute respect in Homeric poetry giving a kind tribute. This does not alter the deeper meanings of the poem and especially not removed from the concept of homesickness and direct symbolism in every age in humans.
              His style is characterized by clarity, precision and clarity to the formulation, while the simplicity of the means of expression, realism and lack of rhetoric does not leave room for diverse and perhaps unnecessary lyrical bursts. Features of the poem is also the suggestiveness and didactic tone. His lyrics are free, almost always iambic is generally without rhyme but is very meticulous in their punctuation.
    The title of the poem is a symbolic word known to all without having to mention the plot around it. The simple wording defines the content of the poem. Ithaca as the reader can think of the target set, whom to approach and conquer must go through many adventures, disappointments and so receiving the mind of such value, immeasurable, mythical. Which is typical of a man who has just come to set out for Ithaka, ie that has just begun to form in his mind the ultimate goal of life.
        In the first stanza, which begins with a theatrical way, the storyteller - poet addressed in the second person singular, which is not defined, but we can infer all nations and all ages, across the length and breadth of the land. Parallels the "set out for Ithaka" by the whole course of human life. Wishes to be a long one-of-a livelihood to gain more experience and therefore knowledge about life. He writes as an experienced man with experience in life, which he acquired chasing different goals but building and travel. You could say that he writes as though he'd write a man who dedicated his life to Ithaca, and now with sadness and repentance understands the value of the same trip and tries with a secret anguish to warn others. We can support and that goes straight to the point of the poem.
         In the second stanza uses mythical persons who brought the epic obstacles to Odysseus, who was trying desperately to get to Ithaca and extended travel and agony. Such obstacles but will not find in front of him he has in mind always the target and not disoriented by him who has a heart full of confidence and faith.
         In the third stanza repeats the form of advice, that the obstacles in our way will not happen if we do not ourselves. Here can be compared with the poem "The city", where the poet says "so your life as ruined in this mighty little niche, all over the ruined earth", that the problems and adversity, and negative attitude about life, people often carry in their soul. It is a matter of choice for man what attitude will last, whether possessed of optimism and positive spirit or whether it is maudlin and pessimistic.
        The fourth stanza begins with a repetition of the second verse of the first turn. Wishing for the man to have a long life and adventures, because through them will gain knowledge about life-often fix a target and we do not give attention to itself wandering-and continues talking about the small daily pleasures in life and the value of exploration.
         In the fifth stanza refers parallels with the experiences of life ("good merchandise", "sensual perfume") and encourages them to demand the passing of his life as much as possible. The collection of experiences is essential in human life, because experience carries with it wisdom, maturity, composure and the right thinking and the ability to advise anyone younger.
        In the sixth stanza the poet urges the reader to visit many cities, gain education and knowledge, but always remember the way you should choose to not lose his real goal. Reminds us that the destination must always be in our minds, not stray to the sweet song of the sirens. It takes a strong will to stick to our original goal and not give in to temptation, but according to Cavafy is worth more to resist it makes us stronger.
         In the eighth stanza emphasizes that the existence of the target substance to him the true profit, ie the trip. If no destination is meaningless and wandering, why does it  become pointless and meaningless. But we must not miss the trip looking only to our goal or expect too much profit from it. Gaining what Ithaca indirectly gave us, but to see it at the time. So it seems the poet is a wise man of a certain age, who perhaps once and he also made the trip and because of his young age did not understand then what he wanted to reach, but later understood over the years.

       In the ninth stanza, the poem closes somewhat clarifying its meaning, that even if the ultimate goal is perhaps overstated in the beginning and at the end it does not cover the needs of the man who has them. Value is given to the one who finally traveled to the target and its achievement. "Ithaca" in life can be intimidating to many people, but it is vital to set goals because they are the driving force in his life.

original handwritten text of ithaca by Cavafi

scenes from Homers' Odussey

2 "Penelope's Despair by Ritsos"

In this poem we see the attempt to reach Ritsos literary masterpiece "The Odyssey" by the side of the woman.
Ritsos mentioned in the last part of the poem where Odysseus after an absence of twenty years returns home, marking the fulfillment of the claim again and his wife, Penelope. Readers identify with Penelope who had a minor role and is treated like a trophy from Homer and means of making the personality of Odysseus. The stance as presented and the long endurance and anticipation of the show and highlight the value of implicit personality itself Odysseus and the virtues of his character, which was one that seems worthy of anticipation from a woman like Penelope, despite rumors who wanted him dead the xelogiasmeno. Of course taking into account the position of women in the era of which are not defined but eteroprosdiorizotan fully man. But now through the lyricism of Ritsos we see the protagonist becomes, the lyrics focus on her. So aptly captured in our mind a modern approach to classic literature. We see the conflict of the wife of Odysseus, the woman with the image-woman-man. Ritsos challenged so the Homeric model to the values ​​and ideals for human relationships. We see that the theme of "Ithaca" (ie, the ultimate goal of life Joined person) are not re-christened by him who seeks Ulysses-but-emerges and how the targets set by oneself and others of influence outside of it in contrast to what happens in Cavafy. The aim in this poem has the history of the idea and approach around Ithaca. If penetrated the atmosphere in the poem, we see that the frustration and the sense of settlement is dominant. So that the poet could express a general frustration after a hard hold, showing the other side of nostalgia that leads to banded demystification and deconstruction of the standard applicable millennia now. Furthermore, the poem creates an Antihero, demystifies Ulysses, namely the persistent and brutal hunter of Ithaca, apomythopoiontas so while today's humans that our society emerges as successful. That is the man who puts his mind to a goal as the wealth from others without thinking and attaching on corpses claimings. Through this poem the "Antihero" is featured villainous actor and wild killer. Especially in goal 9 of the poem we see through the eyes of Penelope a repulsive picture of the man who waited patiently, perhaps out of loyalty or perhaps from a consciousness that the push to do so in accordance with the heroic ideal of the era. This is exactly one of the ideals that cancels Yannis Ritsos. As for the historical context-for the dedication of the poem is referred to the loom and weaving of Penelope. For the intent of the fabric is specifically why three rhapsodies of Odyssey b 93 cc, the 138 cc, o128 y. While the desperation of Penelope seems Ritsos was inspired by Rhapsody y in the Odyssey when she is in sight of Odysseus left speechless and embarrassed. On this embarrassment we will be based to build the poem Yannis Ritsos and make de-symbolization of Penelope. Aiming to criticize  modern humans.
 Especially in goal 9 of the poem we see through the eyes of Penelope a repulsive picture of the man who waited patiently, perhaps out of loyalty or perhaps from a consciousness that the push to do so in accordance with the heroic ideal of the era. This is exactly one of the ideals that cancels Yannis Ritsos.
As for the historical context-for the dedication of the poem is referred to the loom and weaving of Penelope. For the intent of the fabric is specifically why three rhapsodies of Odyssey b 93 cc, the 138 cc, o128 y. While the desperation of Penelope seems Ritsos was inspired by Rhapsody y in the Odyssey when she is in sight of Odysseus left speechless and embarrassed. On this embarrassment we will be based to build the poem Yannis Ritsos and make de-symbolization of Penelope. Aiming to criticize  modern humans.
Finally, the poem leaves a bitterness, a sense of injustice in the reader, knowing the case of myth, has watched the huge effort made, the obstacles they overcame and losses, managed to finally conquer the ultimate goal of the Ithaca- and Penelope, that the two greatest values ​​that define the life of a human being according to social standards - the home and family. However it appears to Odysseus fragments expectations and dreams of Penelope-wife of goal-seeking why Odysseus Ithaca altered and converted into a mad man who accomplishes the goal of oppressing and killing other people. Which may mean that you achieve your goals but ultimately not find happiness, perhaps only social acceptance and recognition.

Penelope Slinger "waiting room"
Illustration of Penelope

3 "Ithaca by Dinos Christianopoulos

One of the best poems by Dinos Christianopoulos is "Ithaca." Ithaca is a poem which is more of an interior monologue and the ultimate purpose of the self assessment of the poet's life until that moment. However, a view could not be formed before at least an attempt to analyze the poem. I use the word attempt because the poem by definition cannot be understood in all people and in all times, in exactly the same way. The poet triggers the reader by creating certain images and feelings but to which every individual reader reacts differently as a separate and unique personality, interpreting, rationalizing and explaining imagines as he or she wants. It depends on his personal experience, experiences, education and culture alive.In the first two verses, the poet seeks the causes which led him to leave and perhaps by extension the causes that stimulate all his actions. The word "consequence" can refer to either internal (need) or external factors, but also points to those who profess promises or are obligated to make one. The term consequence has to do with social needs. It seems that the concept of consequence is part of a civilized man, adapted to society. Consistency to your promises to avoid consequence is a virtue, and the necessities and behaviours connected with instinct, is something of an animalistic state. The poet here trying to figure out if his actions are driven by animal instincts or virtue; high quality life, abstract concepts or culture. This leads to the assumption that this poem is directed to a self-assessment, self-criticism in seek of self-knowledge, and thus urges the reader to follow the writer in his musings and then to judge himself.Then the poem asserts another important issue, that of Ithaca, of homesickness, nostalgia. What defines Ithaca, which may not only symbolize the ultimate goal of life that one puts on himself, but one that is defined and enforced by the society as the ultimate goal.  Specifically mentioned in the poem's desire "to escape myself, the small minded Ithaca " Here we see that there is a comma after the phrase "myself." This indicates that the subject has dedicated his life to this Ithaca and the course is directly associated with it. The fact that he left shows the inner struggle rather than redeemed by the problem that haunts him, which is his personal problem, just trying to escape, leaving the city without getting estimates so that the problem with him as baggage.           Ithaca is an item from the Odyssey of Homer and represents the culmination of all desires - the highest goal that can put someone in his life is the best life. The item at Ithaca in poetry often found but most poets follow the example of Cavafys’ Ithaca, idolizing it. While Dinos Christianopoulos’  poem somewhat reduces the value of Ithaca, it does not fill him anymore, it gives the impression that he has been frustrated by the prejudices the fetters of religion that accompany the road to Ithaca.In verses 4-5, the poet refers to the shackles of religion and blames bigotry, their rites, superstitions. Which perhaps led him to go (at this point it is not clear from what has gone, it might be the old way of life or perhaps abandoned his effort to get to Ithaca). The shackles of religion is the inability to control one's life, thus subordinated to the idea that life depends on a higher power. Societies with strict religious morality constructed on fear rather than respect, the hypocrisy and subservience (and thus crash) of the individual for the sake of society's expectations. Although presented this item but then the poet says to let Ithaca is "palliative" was therefore not cure the problem. Then tells us the consequences of the decision to leave Ithaca. Uses the word "welter" is reminiscent of something crawling and slimy, maybe a snake. The poet wants us probably refer to original sin and by extension to Satan. The devil or Satan was at first an angel, who was deposed from heaven and then represents evil and is in hell. Probably Dinos Christianopoulos with 'welter' wants to likened himself to an angel, an initially socially acceptable person as Satan did not want anymore shackles of morality and therefore dismissed by the society of God.

 Scene from Odysseas' return 

So after studying these poems I start the visual research, for imagery,aesthetical idea I am using Dantes’ “Inferno” plot layout in a context parallel to Homers Odyssey, in the way that he presented the problems and the stops of the main character as small adventures. I am thinking of doing a series of works based on a narrative that I write in the form of a poem or a series of short stories. In the end all the pieces of work will be tied together in a video edit that in the end creates a short film. Narrated with the text that I write in the form of subtitles as to give the opportunity to every viewer to read it in his or hers own voice, allowing them to drift more easily into the work. But I am concerned about the subtitles drawing too much visual attention from the video visuals. I have to decide whether I want my text to be a dominating element to the final work or just something complementing it.

 Dantes Inferno map

 Compositional for main character

Compositional ideas for the storys' characters and video effects. 

Also thematologically I am experimenting with self portraying, so that I can explore my personal visual influences but also my interpersonal logic. For this purpose The main character is going to be a female, placed in an objective  place, out of humanity and for she will be a character that was “born backwards, downed” . I am going to draw that character from my last project based on the book “Murderess” by Papadiamadis. For this project while doing a research I discovered something that I am going to use for this project. Basically I observed how old literature is perceived and used as a template in modern days.Questions that were posed back then, now are terms ans symbols. We are in our nature beings that like to live with symbolism. We want to represent because the reflection is more true than the object in front of the mirror sometimes.  This is what art does it says lies that are build on something very true. And as time goes by , the more lies become trues, the truth does not matter because art and life without lies is not worth living.

video from the project Murderess, footage of this video will be used in the final piece and also as a template for the main character

Compositional idea for the main characters concept and aesthetic

For one more moonless  night
One from the lepers
caught in your white sheets, before you close your eyes
How beautiful you are
You suckled again Cleopatra's
bitten breast
Both by pathos and regrets
     by challenge and will
and the poison from broken teeth
a snakes teeth
But I have in the past told you how I understand
for the bite is near the nipple
and it is hard to see when your eyes are blank
For one more moonless  night
One from the lepers
caught in your white sheets, before you close your eyes

How beautiful you are
You suckled again Cleopatra's
bitten breast
Both by pathos and regrets
     by challenge and will
and the poison from broken teeth
a snakes teeth
But I have in the past told you how I understand
for the bite is near the nipple
and it is hard to see when your eyes are blank

books; Odyssey by Homer
       Inferno by Dante
       The Murderess by Papadiamadis
       Ithaca by Cavafis
       Penelopes despair by Ritsos
       Ithaca by Christianopoulos
